Friday, August 28, 2015

#B2SWonder W.O.N.D.E.R.

“Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.”   -Socrates

It's the most wonderful time of the year.... Schools are opening, students and teachers are wondering and getting ready for a new year of learning. All learners need to be part of safe places to experiment, make mistakes, try new things and wonder about the world around us. We must all make our learning lives public and contagious. There is no end to what we can learn and no end to wondering.

As a coach/consultant, I spend my days teaching and learning with other educators and students. A huge part of our collaborative conversations go back to the best ways to support students’ choices and voices in their own learning communities. There are many possibilities that all begin with a wonder of the day. Wonderopolis provides the initial wonderings and we collaborate to find wonders to pair with other texts: poetry, nonfiction and more. We talk, read and write across texts to grow ideas. With these wonderful possibilities, we can question more, read more and write more. So as you are planning for back to school what better way to start the year then to celebrate with wonders and paired texts that strengthen our community and touch the hearts and minds of all learners!

Looking for a  #B2SWonder? Check out this list of wonders and paired texts that supports W.O.N.D.E.R.

W-Wonder, investigate and celebrate ideas
O- Open the world of possibilities
N-Navigate new worlds through the wonderful world of books
D-Decide to make a difference
E-Explore student voices and choices
R-Reflect on the power of words

Wonder, investigate and celebrate ideas
Wonder of the Day Are you a good observer ?
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What do your students wonder about? What investigations would they like to make this year?  How can we model and lead curious lives?

O- Open the world of possibilities

Wonder of the Day Are You Talented?
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The OK Book- Amy Krouse Rosenthal
What are your strengths?  What would you like to learn more about?  What are your goals for the new year?

N-Navigate new worlds through the wonderful worlds of books

Wonder of the Day Are you a Bookworm?

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How to Read a Story by Kate Messner
Reading can take you places.  Imagine the possibilities. What authors do you love? What do you want to read this year?

D-Decide to make a difference  

Wonder of the Day: How Can You Make Someone’s Day?

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Kid President’s Guide to Being Awesome
Looking for wonderful ways to support your community of learners?
Kid President knows how to make the world a little more awesome. His book and videos are great ways to reflect on how we can be “a difference maker and a day maker?”  How can we #Choosekind every day?

E-Explore student voices and choices

Wonder of the Day: How Do You Have a Voice?

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Ralph Tells a Story by Abby Hanlon
How can we get to know our students as readers and writers?
How can we get our students to share their voices and tell their stories?

Bonus wonder and pairing:

Wonder of the Day: How Does Your School Use Technology?
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Goodnight iPad- Ann Droyd
What tools do we have access to?  What digital tools do we want to learn about and use more? How can we navigate and use new tech tools to enrich our  learning? How can we use tools that empower our students?

  R-Reflect on the power of words
Wonder of the Day: Do you like to play with words? 
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The Word Collector – Sonja Wimmer
Words can inspire.  How can reflect, collect and celebrate the power of words?

And a favorite #B2SWonder:  
Wonder of the Day: What Inspires You? 

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365 Days of Wonder RJ Palaccio

Love using #glitterboards (photo frames with glitter as instant dry erase boards) to celebrate wonder-ful words and inspirational quotes.

Kindness can spread like glitter and w.o.n.d.e.r. can be contagious.  Happy new year of wondering!

Monday, August 10, 2015


If you love picture books, then check out the hashtag: #PB10for10.  Thanks to @CathyMere and @MandyRobek for hosting this exciting event where nerdy friends share top 10 list of their "must-have" picture books.   

This year, I have decided to connect titles that support launching a year of reading, writing and thinking.  Happy Reading!

Bernard Waber with Suzy Lee Ask Me

Ask Me is a simple picture book that celebrates student voice.  I love this book for so many reasons.  "What do you like?  What else do you like?"  The conversation continues between a father and his daughter, but serves as a wonderful mentor text to get to know students in the beginning of the year. 

Let's Paint by Alborozo

This is a favorite picture book in my #growthmindset collection. Celebrate the possibilities.  What better way to start the year then to talk about learning being messy. Let's Paint, allows readers, writers and thinkers to take risks and celebrate the joy of learning, growing and having fun.  

If You Plant a Seed by Kadir Nelson

Author and illustrator, Kadir Nelson, never disappoints.  This is a "must-have" to reflect on with all ages.  Younger students will appreciate the illustrations and the message about choosing kind.  Older students can discuss the impact of our actions and non actions.  If we plant seeds of kindness, the ripples are endless.  

Wild Ideas: Let Nature Inspire Your Thinking - Kelsey

This book is a perfect example of literature that helps foster investigations.   This gorgeous new picture book is a favorite read aloud that celebrates wonder.  We can celebrate curious minds and also helps set the tone for a year of "wonder-ful" investigations.  Here's a recent  padlet to further celebrate the joy and wonder of nonfiction... #NFJoy!

My Pen by Christopher Myers

"All you need is your imagination. There are a million pens in the world and each one has a million worlds inside it.  Let those worlds inside your pen out!" 

That is exactly why- this is a must-have to kick off writing workshop.  What a great way to launch a year of writing possibilities.

Inside this Book (are three books) by Barney Saltzberg 

Another book to explore writing possibilities.  This book is a great introduction to writing workshop or our primary authors.  What I love about this mentor text is that it celebrates student voice and choice.  We can write about our everyday life.  We can writer about our observations of the world.  We can write poetry (anytime of year) and we can make our writing exactly what we want it to be... and then share it with the world.  The last page says, "Because books are better when they are shared."  

Check out the author reading from this book trailer.  

Rufus the Writer by Elizabeth Bram

Yes, that is story stand.  Who needs  a lemonade stand when you can read and write stories instead?  Yes... that is exactly what Rufus does.  Celebrate reading, writing and community all in one.  Rufus had me at hello.  

Have I Got a Book for You - by Melanie Watt

This is not a new title, but it fits the category for my #pb10for10 theme.  Getting to know our students as readers and knowing how to help "sell" books and match books to our readers, is one of our most important jobs as reading advisers (nod to Teri Lesesne).  The narrator is a "salesman" who can help facilitate the conversation around finding good fit books, book reviews, book talks or just support all around book love.  

How to Read a Story by Kate Messner

Honestly, Kate Messner is a genius!  I am so in love with this book.  If you haven't already seen this gem, you must run to your local indie book store today.  I would say hit the library, but there is no way that this book will remain on any library shelf.  This is the book that every teacher must own.  Sorry... but not really.  I love the way that this book demonstrates the process of reading.  From finding a comfy spot, to finding a buddy, finding the right book, reading and starting all over again.  Share this book and help your students fall in love with reading.  

I am Yoga--- comes out September 8th 

Finally... reading, writing, and thinking... involves the heart, mind and body... so number 10 is a soon to be released title by Susan Verde and Peter Reynolds ( an original #heartprintbook author).
This book is  a wonderful addition to a list of launching must-haves.  This latest title, like most of Peter Reynolds' books, touches the heart and minds of its readers. The author's note includes a NF twist- defining yoga poses and listing the benefits of yoga.   Students can benefit from the study of yoga or the ideas and journey through a range of  emotions and situations, using playful imagination, being creative and calming the mind and body.