Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Share a Smile

A Slice in Memory of my Grandmother

               Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for the invitation to share 
with this community of writers.  

This week marks the anniversary of my grandmother's death.  I know I was extremely blessed to have her in my life for as long as I did. My grandmother was an amazing woman. Grandma had a major impact on my life.  She was grandmother, friend and teacher.  She taught me so many things. We have "Sarah-isms" in my family. Some translate better in Italian. :)

Grandma touched the lives and hearts of everyone she met.

Grandma was a NYC school crossing guard. She was there for countless number of children during rain, shine, sleet and snow. Bitter temperatures didn't affect her warm heart. A crossing guard is defined as someone who helps people cross intersections. Life has many intersections. She touched so many lives, those known and unknown.  There are births, deaths, marriages; crossroads at all ages and stages.  Grandma was always there with an ear to listen, a hand to hold, and a meal to fill our bellies.  More importantly, she filled us with her love.  And at every intersection her heart was open. 

"Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart." - D'Angelo

I can picture her standing over her stove countless hours to prepare our favorite meals.  It gave her pleasure to watch us eat.  It made her smile. Nothing made her happier than sharing a smile.  No matter what,  no matter where, she always had a kind word for someone or a smile. Even strangers. Grandma would share stories about how her smile changed someone's day.  

It is pretty simple. Give a smile, get a smile. Smile and the whole world smiles back at you. Grandma used to say, "It doesn't cost a thing to give a smile."

This week is Random Acts of Kindness Week:


Share kindness. 

Give a smile, get a smile. 

"A warm smile is the universal language of kindness." - Ward

Here's a link to an older post with a book list of mentor texts that make me smile: 


  1. What a beautiful memory, JoEllen! Thanks for sharing a smile with us today!

  2. Such a great memory! Smiles are an example of a universal language! <3
