Wednesday, January 7, 2015


This is my first post for #sol and I am thrilled to participate. Thank you Two Writing Teachers for sharing this space and the invitation to join this family/community of writers. 

I was inspired to write this slice after reading Stacey's post:

Born from the heart. 

  "A teacher takes, a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart."  

Stacy's post is beautiful and touched my heart and my mind.  It is also made me think about my favorite topic: #PDLove. Part of my #picturebookitis  is seeing a text, topic, or a wonder of the day and trying to pair it with a text.  I know I have friends in this support group.  It is like family.

Families come in all shapes and sizes. Roma Downey says it best: Love is what makes a family. That got me thinking.  My PLN- is like family.  We may not look the same, we may not all have the same beliefs, but we share one thing in common: a love for learning.  That love helps to energize, sustain and nourish us in the work we do: #PDLove.

I am thankful for the teachers and lead learners in my life that help me grow ideas and touch my heart.  As my heart grows my PD family grows too. It is more like "Framily"- 
Framily- friends to whom we would actually choose to be related, because the relationship is mutually respectful, close, supporting and affectionate.  

Thankful for my PLN for spreading the love.

"Cherish your human connections- your relationships with friends and family." Barbara Bush


  1. Framily... brilliant!

    I've got to get my hands on those books. I haven't read either one of them.

  2. Love your slice! Can't wait to follow you #pdlove journey with #sol15

